A Milestone on the Path of Jewish Learning
What is B’nai (Bar/Bat) Mitzvah?
Bar/Bat Mitzvah means “son of” or “daughter of mitzvah.” A mitzvah is a commandment from God and colloquially can mean a good deed (in other words, something that God would want you to do). The plural of “bar mitzvah” is “b’nai mitzvah.” In our times, “b’nai mitzvah” can mean a ceremony for two or more people, the ceremony for someone who identifies non-binary, and it’s the generic term for both bar and bat mitzvah at TBY.
In Jewish tradition, boys become bar mitzvah at 13 and girls become bat mitzvah at 12; at TBY boys and girls become Bar/Bat mitzvah at 13 years of age. A bar or bat mitzvah is responsible for the mitzvot (commandments) and be counted in a minyan for Jewish prayer. This is the beginning of a person’s journey as a Jewish adult. It is traditionally marked by a child being called to the Torah. At TBY, this lifecycle moment of the beginning of Jewish adulthood is marked by students.
Leading a Shabbat morning (Saturday) Torah Service, including:
Leading the prayers
Reading from the Torah and Haftarah
Being called to the Torah
Giving a D’rasha, a speech
Doing a Mitzvah Project that helps improve the world (tikkun olam)
Participating in life-long Jewish learning by enrolling in the B’nai Mitzvah Discovery Class in JCAL
Celebrating with the community
B’nai mitzvah is the beginning of a journey as a Jewish adult—not the end. We hope that means your child will continue with their Jewish education in Confirmation (8th – 10th grade) and beyond; volunteer their time with Jewish community and mitzvot, including possibly in our Madrichim Program (teacher’s aide) in JCAL; participate in Jewish community, including in TTOBY, our senior youth group; and attend services and celebrate Jewish holidays.
Judaism is a rich, meaningful tradition that offers spiritual and intellectual engagement at every stage of life. Your child’s b’nai mitzvah is only the beginning of that journey!
Navigate to the "B'nai Mitzvah Resources" page to find our B'nai Mitzvah Guidebook, the forms needed for b'nai mitzvah, and other important information.
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785