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In times of happiness and sadness, we come together. Sometimes, in the whirlwind of the moment, we could use support. The Caring Committee is here to provide member-to-member support. It can be life's most impactful moments such as the birth of a child or death of a loved one. It can be a ride to an appointment or it can be a simple phone call just to check in.

If you or someone you know is need of a helping hand from our Caring Committee, please complete the form below.

We are also looking for more volunteers to join our Caring Committee!

What do we do? After Clergy respond to the loss of a TBY member, families receive an offer of help from our Caring Committee. The Committee offers grieving families help in organizing and serving meals of condolence and Shivas, organizing and serving meals of condolence and Shivas, answering questions, greeting mourners, allowing family and friends to spend this important time together.

And now we want to be more than that. We are seeking more volunteers who want to help out another member who is ill, had an accident, needs a meal while recovering, needs a ride, or someone to visit or call.

Can you join us? The time commitment is flexible: no commitment of specific days and times. We match our activities to the size of our Committee. With a larger pool of volunteers, we will be able to respond to more members, when the need comes. You choose the kind of help you want to provide and how much time to give.

Please consider joining us in the mitzvah of gemilut hasadim - acts of loving kindness.

To join us, please complete the form below.

My contact information:

Contact for person in need of assistance:


Sun, February 16 2025 18 Sh'vat 5785